Saturday 15 October 2016


Jenny Dixon
Nervously excited is how I am feeling at the moment!  The opportunity of going with a group to somewhere that I had never dreamt of going was very exciting, and to have the chance to share a love of craftwork with others even more so.  When Sybil said that she was going this October I was keen to join her.  I am really looking forward to experiencing the Sri Lankan way of life and meeting both grown-ups and children over cardboard and glue!  To have some Sri Lankan warmth as winter approaches here and to live a few days at a slower pace will, I hope, be an added bonus!
Sybil Hammond
Preparing for the visit has been interesting. I have spoken to friends in U3A groups and other activity groups. They have been amazingly generous in giving materials which we can use with the nursery children and staff. Plenty of their offerings can be given as gifts or fabrics to be made into garments. Lots of craft materials will be used while we are there and the crayons, buttons and cards will be available for future use.

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