Our gift catalogue afternoon turned out to be a really
enjoyable time. We met with local families to give them gifts which have been
purchased by supporters in the UK through our gift catalogue. For two boys it meant they received a badly
needed pair of shoes each. For a number
of families it was a small box containing about six ten day old chicks who
cheeped away quite happily when presented to their new owners. The chicks will in time produce eggs which
the families will sell at market for about 15 Rupees each (8p)!! Much needed income for all of them. A teacher
from one of our pre schools received a water purifier and a fan both badly
needed in the school. But it was the final gift presented which firstly really
impressed us but which also ended up causing the greatest fuss.
A local girl who is a very good seamstress was given a
large Singer sewing machine with which to begin her own clothing business. Her delight at the gift was obvious. Our
delight at the antics of the tuk tuk driver trying to load the whole thing into
the back of his tuk tuk will last a while. He huffed and puffed, tried putting
it in backwards, sideways, each and every way.
Finally he got a screw driver and separated the machine from the pedals before
squeezing it and the seamstress lady into the back of his three wheeler. Finally
they drove off with about one third of the sewing machine hanging out the side
of the tuk tuk and the seamstress lady clinging to it. I think they got home safely. I certainly
hope so.
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