This morning we visited the small pre-school, Madur 1.
After quite a long journey by tuk tuk, we were made very welcome by the staff,
greeted with flower garlands. Here we worked with 26 children. At first we
introduced ourselves and had a group session, including a story, song and dance
and doing the famous OST hokey cokey! We then divided into three groups, with
Maureen and Baba taking a group inside, whilst I took a group outside for some
sporting activities (running, jumping and throwing). After 15 minutes we
rotated around each group. Maureen then read them all the story via an
interpreter. After that, all the children were given a fish hat to decorate.
This went down very well, with most the children being very engaged.
What struck me was how happy most of the children seemed
despite their obvious lack of facilities. They had no chairs, tables, cupboards
or resources! So all lessons have to be done sitting on the concrete floor.
About 4 or 5 (20%) of the children had obvious eye problems which distressed
me. After the outside fence between the pre-school yard and the road was a
barbed wire fence, which also worried me. We were told these are to keep
animals out, but hopefully these things brought to light during our trip are
things Ocean Stars can help to resolve.
On the way back in the tuk tuk there was a terrific
downpour of rain and I go soaked which was actually very refreshing and
enjoyable in the humid weather!
I hope and think our visit made a difference to the school!
Well done. You're really making a difference x